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8 Queens is a classic game/puzzle for the Palm Computing connected
organizer. You simply try to place 8 queens on a standard chessboard
so that no queen can attack any other. This means that no two queens
can share the same horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line. Click once
to place a queen, again to erase it. Try to solve the puzzle, then
click the check mark to verify your solution. If you get stuck, try
putting down a few queens and then click the looking glass to have the
Palm complete the solution for you. If some queens have X's through
them, that means they can attack each other, so you'll have to move
them around. For more fun, rotate or flip the board by clicking the
arrows on the right.
New in version 1.2 is the 8 Queens Solution Browser, which allows you to browse all 92 solutions to the puzzle. You can also place some queens, and browse those solutions which contain that configuration. See what patterns you can find!
8 Queens was originally written by Tom Shields, on 12/14/1998, as an exercise for learning Palm programming.
8 Queens requires PalmOS version 2.0 or higher.
Contributions to 8 Queens are always welcome, and may be emailed to At this point I consider 8 Queens to be finished, so further development is unlikely, although I am always open to suggestions. Basswood Associates is a professional services firm that specializes in strategic and technical consulting in the areas of Internet advertising and electronic commerce.
$Id: index.html,v 1.10 1999/01/29 06:37:10 ts Exp $ -