Internet Advertising Technology Council
Internet Advertising Report Format
IATC Working Draft WD-adreport-19970515
Latest version:
This version:
Tom Shields <>
Status of this document
This is a IATC Working Draft for review by IATC members and other interested
parties. It is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted
by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use IATC Working
Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress".
Note: since working drafts are subject to frequent change, you
are advised to reference the above URL, rather than the URLs for working
drafts themselves.
A standard format for presenting internet ad performance information is
presented. The format is extensible, portable, and easy to parse
into a variety of data stores. The proposal is motivated by the need
to capture and compare ad performance information independent of the software
used to perform the ad delivery.
Advertisers and agencies who plan internet ad campaigns require ad performance
reports that are comparable across web sites. Because many web sites
use different ad delivery software, agencies are currently expending considerable
manual effort reconciling these reports. One fixed format report
is not enough, because different campaigns require reporting of different
kinds of information. This proposal defines a self-describing report
format that is extensible and flexible enough to report many kinds of ad
performance information, but simple and strict enough to be easily parsed
and converted into data stores for analysis and comparison.
This proposal is broken into two major sections. The first is
a description of the file format syntax, with emphasis on the encoding
and ordering of information for easy parsing. The second part is
a "taxonomy" that describes the semantics of standard headers, columns,
and report templates, to ensure the utility and comparability of the information.
The report format has the following design goals:
Simple to get started with one of several standard templates
Extensible to add new metadata, columns, and complete report templates
Expressive to handle a variety of data types
Complete to address the immediate needs of advertisers, agencies, and ad
delivery systems
Robust to handle localization and character escaping issues
Efficient to provide varying levels of detail and aggregation
Self-describing to permit generic tools for analysis and conversion
This proposal makes no attempt to define the performance measures used
by advertisers, agencies, and ad delivery systems, except to provide for
the reporting of them. This proposal explicitly does not address
the issue of transmission of this data, for example from a web site to
an advertiser or agency. This format does not define presentation
information, and is designed to be readable, but not camera ready.
This work is distantly based on the W3C Extended
Log File Format [Hallam96] working draft.
A advertising report file contains a sequence of lines containing
8-bit ISO latin-1 characters terminated by either the sequence LF or CRLF.
Report generators should follow the line termination convention for the
platform on which they are executed. Analyzers and converters must accept
either form. Each line may contain either a directive or an entry.
Directives record metadata about the report. Entries consist of a sequence
of fields relating to a ad event or series of events. Fields are
units of information, separated by whitespace. In general, directives,
attribute names, and field and template identifiers are case insensitive,
while data should be considered case sensitive.
Format errors may indicate corrupt data or a non-conforming format generator.
A conforming IARF parser should reject any report file that contains format
errors, and rollback any data stores to the state that preceded the start
of parsing. In some non-critical cases, such as a report file viewer,
it may be acceptable to ignore corrupt lines and permit viewing uncorrupted
data, but an error message indicating the file corruption should be shown.
Directives are lines beginning with the '#' character. No whitespace
is permitted between the '#' and the directive name. Directive data takes
the form of attribute value pairs. Defined attributes may occur in
any order. If an attribute occurs more than once, the last occurrence
is taken as the proper value. Parsers should ignore unknown directives,
unknown attributes, and directives with parse errors. Every conforming
report file must begin with the directive IARF, and contain other required
directives as described below.
<directive> = "#" <name> ":" *<nvpair> <end-of-line>
<name> = *[ <alnum> "-" ]
<nvpair> = <whitespace> <name> "=" <string>
Entries are analagous to database rows. An entry consists of a sequence
of fields, separated by whitespace. All lines not beginning with
'#' are considered entries. If the first field of an entry begins
with '#', the field must be surrounded by double quotes ("") to distinguish
it from a directive. Entries are not required in report files, although
a report file with no entries may not convey much information. Lines
containing only whitespace should be ignored. If an entry contains too
few or too many fields as defined by the Format directive, the file is
non-conforming or corrupt, and parsing should halt. No line continuation
character is defined - entries must be completely contained on one line.
<entry> = [ <field> *[ <whitespace> <field> ]] <end-of-line>
Fields are individual data entities analagous to database columns in a
row. Fields conform to one of the following data types, according
to the field definition. Fields without definitions should be considered
as data type <string>. Fields may not contain ASCII control
characters, or unprintable characters, unless they are encoded as described
below. Because fields are separated by whitespace, fields must consist
of at least one non-whitespace character.
<field> = <integer> | <fixed> | <uri> | <date> | <time> | <string>
<type-identifier> = "integer" | "fixed" | "uri" | "date" | "time" | "string"
<digit> = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
<lowalpha> = "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i" |
"j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" | "q" | "r" |
"s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w" | "x" | "y" | "z"
<hialpha> = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H" | "I" |
"J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" |
"S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z"
<punct> = "$" | "-" | "_" | "." | "+" | "!" | "*" | "(" | ")" |
"{" | "}" | "|" | "&" | "^" | "~" | "[" | "]" | "," |
"<" | ">" | "#" | "%" | ";" | "/" | "'" | "`" | "=" |
"?" | ":" | "@"
<reserved> = <"> | "\"
<wchar> = <tab> | <space>
<whitespace> = <wchar> *<wchar>
<alnum> = <lowalpha> | <hialpha> | <digit>
<version> = <digit> *<digit> "." <digit> *<digit> *[ "." <digit> *<digit> ]
<integer> = [ "-" ] *<digit>
Integers are represented as a sequence of digits, base 10.
<fixed> = [ "-" ] [ <digit> *<digit> [ "." *<digit> ]]
Floats are represented as at least one digit left of decimal, and arbitrary
A URI as specified by RFC1738,
relative URIs are specified by RFC1808.
URIs cannot by definition include whitespace or ASCII control characters,
therefore they do not need to be escaped or enclosed in quotes.
<date> = 4*<digit> "-" 2*<digit> "-" 2*<digit>
Dates are recorded in the format YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY, MM and
DD stand for the numeric year, month and day respectively. All dates are
specified in GMT, unless the GMT-Offset attribute of the Site directive
is used. This format is chosen to assist collation.
<time> = 2*<digit> ":" 2*<digit> [ ":" 2*<digit> [ "." *<digit> ]]
Times are recorded in the form HH:MM, HH:MM:SS or HH:MM:SS.S where HH is
the hour in 24 hour format, MM is minutes and SS is seconds. All times
are specified in GMT, unless the GMT-Offset attribute of the Site directive
is used.
<string> = <wstring> | <qstring>
<wstring> = <alnum> *[ <alnum> | <punct> ]
<qstring> = <"> *<schar> <">
<schar> = <alnum> | <punct> | <wchar> | <xchar>
<xchar> = <""> | <xescape>
<xescape> = "\x" 2*<hexdigit>
<hexdigit> = <digit> | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F"
Strings are rendered in either unquoted or quoted/escaped form. Unquoted
form may only be used for strings that do not contain whitespace, reserved,
or control characters, and may be parsed by simply scanning for the end
of field separator (whitespace). Quoted strings must be parsed and
characters unescaped appropriately. Empty strings may be represented
by <"">.
The character escaping rules are designed to be easy to parse by a variety
of conversion tools, and expressive enough to encode any characters.
The basic rule is any character that is either a special character (backslash
or double quote) or not printable (such as control characters) may be encoded
using the form "\xFF" where the FF represents the two hex digits of the
character. There is a special case designed for legacy conversion
tools: the double quote may also be escaped by doubling the character,
and should be escaped in this fashion when possible.
The taxonomy describes the semantics of standard directives, field identifiers,
and templates. These semantics are subject to change as more feedback
is received from the industry. In particular, the semantics will
be changed if necessary to follow IAB definitions and standards.
To maintain simplicity in the format, there are only two levels
to specify report information: directives and fields. This may result
in overlaps and confusion about where information should be represented.
For example, a report may represent a single campaign over a number of
days - in this case, a single advertiser directive with the campaign attribute
suffices to represent that information. However, if a report represents
many different campaigns over a period of time, the campaign field will
be required to specify that information for each entry. To avoid
unnecessary complexity, some decisions have been made as to what level
is appropriate for each piece of information, but some (like campaign)
may be represented by either.
Report file parsers should ignore unknown directives and fields.
Directive Names
The following standard directives are defined. New directives not
approved by the IATC should be preceded with the string "X-" as in "X-New-Directive".
Directive names are case-insensitive. All directive attributes are optional
unless explicitly indicated otherwise in the description. Arbitrary
comments can be inserted in the file using the Remark directive. All directives
may occur more than once within the file, enabling concatenation of conforming
report files to result in a conforming file.
IARF: Version=<version>
The IARF directive is required and must appear as the first line of the
report file. Subsequent occurrences of this directive must be ignored.
The version attribute is required, and defines the IARF version used by
the report. This draft defines version 1.0.
Content: Charset=<character-set-identifier> Language=<language-identifier>
The Content directive indicates content characteristics such as character
set, language, and encoding. The Charset attribute is defined as
exactly the same as the charset parameter of the Content-Type header defined
in [RFC2068]. The Language and Encoding attributes
are defined as exactly the same as the Content-Language and Content-Encoding
headers in [RFC2068]. The default value for
Charset is "ISO-8859-1". If Language is not specified, the language is
not known. If Encoding is not specified, there is no encoding. The
Content directive may occur more than once, and takes effect for all entries
until the next Content directive.
Format: Fields="<field-identifier> [<field-identifier> [...]]"
The Format directive controls the field ordering of the entries that follow.
This directive must appear in the report file before any entry lines are
encountered, and may occur more than once to encode multiple formats in
one file. The Format directive will take effect for the entries that
follow the directive until superceded by a subsequent Format directive.
The Fields and Template attributes are complementary, either or both may
be present, and at least one is required; if both are specified they MUST
agree according to the set of standard templates specified below. Non-standard
field identifiers may be typed using the "Field-Info" directive.
Field-Info: Name=<field-identifier> Type=<type-identifier>
Optional additional information for each field; this directive is never
required. Standard fields defined below are strictly typed, and unknown
fields should be considered type "string". The Name attribute refers to
a field-identifier specified in the Format directive. Type identifiers
convey field type information; allowed values are listed above, and are
case insensitive. The Header attribute is a string representing column
header label information.
Source: Name=<string> Domain=<domain> Type=<string>
GMT-Offset=<integer> Email=<address> Contact=<string>
The Source directive conveys information specific to the entity that generated
the data. Name is a human-readable name, domain refers to the primary
site domain name. Type is used to categorize the data source; recommended
values include "site" and "network". GMT-Offset represents the offset
in hours for all dates and times in both entries and directives. This directive
may occur anywhere within the file and the GMT-Offset takes effect for
all directives and entries following it. If the GMT-Offset attribute
does not occur, all dates and times are assumed to be GMT. The Email
and Contact attributes are for representing contact info regarding this
report file.
Advertiser: Name=<string> Brand=<string> Campaign=<string>
The Advertiser directive is for advertiser-specific information.
The Name, Brand, and Campaign attributes are self-explanatory.
Agency: Name=<string> Insertion-Order=<string>
The agency directive may be used for ad agency information. The Name
attribute identifies the agency. The Insertion-Order attribute represents
the agency-assigned insertion order number represented by the report.
Multiple insertion orders may be reported on by using multiple Agency directives.
Flight: Name=<string> Start-Date=<date> Start-Time=<time>
End-Date=<date> End-Time=<time> Impression-Guarantee=<integer>
The Flight directive represents ad flight information as specified by the
advertiser or agency. Multiple flights may be reported in one report file
by using multiple Flight directives. The Name represents an agency-assigned
identifier for the flight. Impression-Guarantee represents the number of
impressions guaranteed over the duration of the flight. Target represents
the agency-defined targeting criteria for the flight, which may bear no
relationship to the actual delivery specified in the entries.
Created: Report-Date=<date> Report-Time=<time>
Vendor=<name> Version=<version> OS=<name>
The Created directive is used for information about how and when the report
was created. Report-Date and Report-Time represent the date and time
when the report was run. Vendor and Version represent the software
used to create the report. OS and OS-Version are used to indicate
the platform this software was running on.
Remark or Rem: <text>
Comment information. Data recorded by this directive should be ignored
by analysis tools.
Field Identifiers
The Fields directive lists a sequence of field identifiers
specifying the semantics and data type recorded in the fields of each entry.
Field identifiers may be one of the following case-insensitive strings:
start-date - <date>
Date beginning the entry. If this field is not present, interpretation
of the entry date is system-specific.
start-time - <time>
Time beginning the entry. If this field is not present, tools should
default to 00:00:00. If this field is present, end-time must also
be present.
end-date - <date>
Date the entry ends, inclusive. If this field is not present, tools
should default to the same as the start-date, unless the end-time precedes
the start-time, in which case the default should be the day after the start-date.
end-time - <time>
Time the entry ends, exclusive. This field must be present if start-time
is present.
ad-name - <string>
The name of the ad banner.
ad-server-id - <string>
The unique server-assigned ID of the ad banner.
ad-client-id - <string>
The agency or advertiser assigned ID for the ad.
ad-click-url - <uri>
The clickthrough URL for the ad banner. Note that the same ad may
have multiple click URLs.
flight-placement - <string>
The name of the placement - may be a page URL, section of the site, run
of site, keyword, etc. The format of this is site-defined.
campaign - <string>
The campaign name. Should correspond to the Campaign attribute of
the Advertiser directive.
site - <string>
The site name. Should correspond to the Name attribute of the Source
directive if the Type is site.
total-impressions - <integer>
The total number of impressions recorded. For the purposes of this
draft, impressions are defined as ad media downloads, as distinct from
insertions (below).
total-insertions - <integer>
The total number of insertions recorded. For the purposes of this
draft, insertions are defined as page views containing ads, as distinct
from impressions (above).
total-clicks - <integer>
The total number of clicks recorded.
total-duration - <float>
The total time duration the ad was viewed, in seconds.
total-response-time - <float>
The total response time for the ad, in seconds.
total-hover-time - <float>
The total hover time for the ad, in seconds.
session-impressions - <integer>
The total number of impressions recorded in unique sessions.
session-insertions - <integer>
The total number of insertions recorded in unique sessions.
session-clicks - <integer>
The total number of clicks recorded in unique sessions.
unique-impressions - <integer>
The total number of impressions recorded by unique users.
unique-insertions - <integer>
The total number of insertions recorded by unique users.
unique-clicks - <integer>
The total number of clicks recorded by unique users.
Standard Templates
In order to promote report standardization and enable simpler report analysis
tools, a set of standard templates are defined. Agencies and advertisers
may therefore require reports to conform to both the standard format, and
one (or more) of the standard templates. Analysis tools may interpret
a limited number of templates, instead of requiring enough generality to
interpret the entire spectrum of report types. A template attribute
should be interpreted exactly the same as the associated fields attribute;
report generators are encouraged to insert both attributes, for maximum
flexibility. Templates not approved by the IATC should be preceded
by the string "X-" as in "X-New-Template". In the future, the process
for standardizing templates may be turned over to a standards body such
as the IAB. For the purposes of this draft, the following standard
case-insensitive template names are defined:
Template=basic <=> Fields="start-date ad-name placement total-impressions
total-insertions total-clicks"
This template is the most common and most basic set of report criteria.
Impression, insertion, and click counts are aggregated daily, and reported
for each ad and placement combination
Template=adinfo <=> Fields="start-date start-time end-time ad-name ad-client-id
ad-click-url placement total-impressions total-insertions total-clicks"
This template is an example of another set of report criteria. Impression,
insertion and click counts are aggregated hourly, and more ad info is included
in the report.
The following is an example file in the report format:
#IARF: Version=1.0
#Format: Template=basic Fields="start-date ad-name placement total-impressions total-insertions total-clicks"
#Site: Name="Content Provider" GMT-Offset=-8
#Advertiser: Name=Ford Campaign="Explore the world"
#Agency: Name="Funky Agency" Insertion-Order=11783
#Flight: Start-Date=1997-04-01 End-Date=1997-04-30 Impression-Guarantee=1000000
#Created: Report-Date=1997-04-03 Vendor=NetGravity Version=3.0
1997-04-01 "Ford Explorer" "Sports section" 10253 0 843
1997-04-01 "Ford Explorer" "Keyword: outdoors" 2543 0 85
1997-04-01 "Ford Taurus" "Entertainment section" 84922 0 1024
1997-04-02 "Ford Explorer" "Sports section" 10765 0 682
#Remark: This IARF stuff is pretty cool!
The next example uses a slightly more complex template.
#IARF: Version=1.0
#Format: Template=adinfo Fields="start-date start-time end-time ad-name ad-client-id ad-click-url placement total-impressions total-insertions total-clicks"
#Site: Name="Content Provider" GMT-Offset=-8
#Advertiser: Name=Microsoft Campaign="Try Java"
#Agency: Name="Funky Agency" Insertion-Order=11784
#Flight: Start-Date=1997-04-01 End-Date=1997-04-30 Impression-Guarantee=1000000
#Created: Report-Date=1997-04-03 Vendor=NetGravity Version=3.0
1997-04-01 00:00 12:00 "MS Image ad" msimage.gif "Javaless browsers" 10253 0 843
1997-04-01 00:00 12:00 "MS Java ad" msjava.class "Java capable" 0 2543 175
1997-04-01 12:00 00:00 "MS Image ad" msimage.gif "Javaless browsers" 11874 0 735
1997-04-01 12:00 00:00 "MS Java ad" msjava.class "Java capable" 0 2278 156
The last example includes some experimental directives, attributes, and
#IARF: Version=1.0
#Format: Fields="start-date start-time end-time ad-name x-ad-size placement total-impressions total-clicks"
#Field-Info: Name=x-ad-size Type=string Header="Ad Size"
#Advertiser: Name="The Big Little Co" Campaign="Size wise"
#Agency: Name="Funky Agency" Insertion-Order=11785 Contact="John Smith"
#X-Site-Sizes: Allowed="banner button"
1997-04-01 08:00 09:00 "Big Ad" banner "Sports" 10253 843
1997-04-01 08:00 09:00 "Little Ad" button "Sports" 2543 85
1997-04-01 09:00 10:00 "Big Ad" banner "Sports" 84922 1024
1997-04-01 09:00 10:00 "Little Ad" button "Sports" 10765 682
#Advertiser: Name="BigCo, LTD" Campaign="We're Big!"
#Agency: Insertion-Order="94378"
1997-04-01 10:00 11:00 "Tall Ad" banner "Sports" 10158 729
1997-04-01 10:00 11:00 "Short Ad" button "Sports" 3097 79
1997-04-01 11:00 12:00 "Tall Ad" banner "Sports" 96123 1083
1997-04-01 11:00 12:00 "Short Ad" button "Sports" 11074 701
Steve Goldberg pushed the IATC to develop this format. Paul Nakada contributed
the idea of attribute value pairs for directives. The IATC provided much
P. Hallam-Baker, B. Behlendorf Extended
Log File Format, March 1996
R. Fielding Relative
Uniform Resource Locators, June 1995
T. Berners-Lee, L. Masinter, Uniform
Resource Locators (URL), December 1994
R. Fielding, et al, Hypertext
Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1, January 1997
Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, Assigned
Numbers, STD 2, RFC 1700, USC/ISI, October 1994.
$Id: WD-adreport-19970515.html,v 1.3 1999/02/19 01:33:21 ts Exp $